- 00900 915 Kiambu
Ohm Mama Africa
The home of mankind
You are right when you say to humanity
welcome home!
Ohm Mama Africa
You are endowed with such splendor
The majestic Nile so crystal-clear, so gentle
Quenches the thirst of your children
Your spectacular mountains, Kilimanjaro, Kenya
That kiss your clear blue sky
A beauty to behold
Ohm Mama Africa
Your sunbaked soils have feed the rest of them
For centuries on end
Yet remain ever so fertile
To feed generations to come
Ohm Mama Africa
Your sun kissed children
Are a beauty to behold
They have scattered the world
Yet remain unbroken by the torture
Who doesn’t know freedom fighters?
Nelson Mandela, Kwame Nkrumah?
Ohm Mama Africa
You are the cradle of civilization
With your children’s university in Timbuktu
Pyramids in Egypt
Ohm Mama Africa
Buried under your belly
Are precious minerals
Needed by your sisters
You are the richest of them all
Ohm Mama Africa
When will your children know?
You have everything they need?
Only if they do not let
The milk of your breasts
Feed her sisters’ children first?
That their kinky hair and sunbaked skin
Is the most beautiful of them all?
When will they know who you really are?
When will they know?
They need to stick together?
Or disunited they shall perish?
Ohm Mama Africa!